Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dinner or a Movie?

Dinner and a movie–the common cliché. It’s what a lot of people think of when the word “date” is mentioned. But is that necessarily the way to go? We’ve all heard of the expression, “Tried and true,” but does that really apply to dating? I’m no Dr. Phil, and I’m not trying to lay down the law in dating, but I have my own philosophies and practices I’d like to share:

First, I refrain from taking someone to a movie as a date. I suggest you do the same, too–especially on the first date. The reason is obvious: it’s dark, quiet and, if you don’t know the other person, awkward. If you’re not sure what kind of activities would make a good date, or you are broke, you can’t go wrong with just dinner; everyone likes to eat, and a quiet scenery will give a couple a chance to interact and get to know one another. This is vital for a first date, because you are basically two strangers and need time and communication to breech that comfort zone. 

Keep it simple. The purpose of a date is to get to know one another.

I always try to keep the first date simple. I avoid doing things like hiking or golfing because I’m not sure the other person likes doing those things. Going to a theme park would be extremely difficult to follow on the second date and getting drunk at a bar would be just a horrible idea to establish a first impression. A dinner at a quiet restaurant is the best way to go.
It's not what you're doing on a date, but who you're doing it with.

In reality, the best dates we remember are those we had with people that were fun and engaging–not the dates that were expensive and flamboyant. I like to just be myself. If the other person doesn’t like me in my own colors, the first date is the best time to figure that out.

I also don’t usually buy the girl dinner on the first date. I know that goes against tradition, but at this point I don’t know for sure if there is going to even be a second date. Why would I waste money like that on someone I will never see again? I’m not trying to encourage stuck-up behavior, but that’s just my point of view. I do, however, treat the girl to the second or third dinner, being more confident that I am not wasting my money, or time.

1 comment:

  1. This is good practical advice. Personally, I tend to prefer going dutch the first time out with someone new, but I don't argue if the guy decides he wants to pay. Although, this is definitely a point to cover before the date, so the girl isn't blindsided by having to pay for herself. And I totally agree with you on the movie issue! Not the best place to get to know someone, though it may be revealing about their sense of humor and whatnot. :)
